For a company to thrive, it needs its people to be the best employees they can be.
A lot of companies today understand that creating a happy work environment and engaging culture can have a profound impact on the company’s bottom line. So why doesn’t every company focus on creating happiness at work? The problem is that there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation out there on what actually makes someone happy at work.
So while your company is busy spending time, energy and money on “happiness” perks and initiatives that are relatively ineffective in creating a culture of happiness in the workplace, they could be putting those resources towards something much more useful and impactful that will put a spring in everyone’s step.
That’s where we come in.
Whether you’re looking for a few quick tips on how to boost workplace happiness or you’re looking for a complete overhaul on your company’s happiness culture, we can help. We provide tailored training, tools and guidance to organizations and their employees to help create a happy, healthy and high-performing workplace
Some companies have invested in happiness at work by creating a new function: ‘The Chief Happiness Officer’. Despite the fact that every company utilizes this function in their own way, almost every ‘CHO’s’ main task is to increase happiness at work. This role may be internal, or the CHO may be hired in as an independent advisor or coach. Hiring a coach or having a CHO trained by a coach will help implement happiness at work in your organization.
Coaching and workshops for managers/executives/CHO’s teaches leaders to stay happy at work themselves and gives them simple, effective tools to make their employees happier and more productive.
Studies clearly show that an organization’s leaders have a huge influence on happiness at work. Good leadership motivates and energizes employees and creates a level of happiness that makes employees go the extra mile for the workplace and the customers. Bad managers on the other hand spread frustration and stress all around them.
These coaching sessions give leaders the knowledge and tools they need to create a happy workplace and drive positive culture change. And it doesn’t take much. Happiness at work is not about raises, bonuses, perks and promotions – it comes from simple, effective actions that any leader ought to know and do.
Similarly, it’s important for leaders themselves to be happy at work. Unhappy managers make their employees miserable, have a harder time reaching their goals and are more prone to stress and illness.
We can do these sessions for experienced leaders as well as for new managers or people in the CHO role and we’ve done them for both top executives, middle managers or mixed groups.
The exact contents depend on your group’s needs and interest. We will go through the most important points about happiness at work and give participants a solid grounding on the topic. Content includes:
• What is happiness at work?
• What makes employees happy at work – and no, it’s not raises, bonuses and perks.
• The business case for happiness – why happy companies make more money.
• What other high performing company cultures are doing to find and retain the best talent.
• The most pernicious myths about happiness at work,
• How leaders themselves stay happy at work.
• Simple tools leaders can use to make their employees happier.
• How you get employees to take responsibility for their own happiness at work.