Happy people are more productive, both in everyday life and at work. Paying attention to a happy work environment generates many benefits for employees, as well as the organization itself.
Research shows that happiness at work results in less absence, fewer workplace accidents, reduced stress, more gratification, happier clients and a higher quality of service. Reasons enough to put happiness on the agenda of every organization.
Having a strong company culture that treats employees right can do a lot more than give you a warm feeling inside. Great culture helps foster enduring benefits like these that strengthen your organization and improve your bottom line.
“91% of U.S. managers say culture fit is more important than experience or skills.”
Robert Half
“1⁄3 of all job seekers would pass up the perfect job if the corporate culture was a bad fit.”
Unhappy employees are twice as likely to leave their job in the next quarter.
People in happy moods are almost six times more likely to innovate and solve problems creatively.
Teams with happy employees are 28% more productive.
1. Studies show that happiness at work may be the most important success factor for a modern workplace and that happy companies make more money!
2. Happiness at work is one of the 3 most important sources of happiness in life.
3. Happiness at work is the best antidote to stress. Stress doesn’t necessarily come from working too much but from feeling bad while you work.
4. Increasing employee happiness dramatically reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.
5. Happiness at work doesn’t only come from the organization’s policies, strategies, plans or values. It comes from the things that you and I do here and now.
6. Happiness at work doesn’t come from raises, bonuses or perks. It comes from two things: Results and Relationships, ie. doing great work together with great people.
7. Happiness at work doesn’t just happen. It takes a focused, long-term effort from management and employees together.